Understanding the dynamics of Streptococcus equi transmission in horses and the impact of interventions through mathematical modelling

The overall objective is to improve understanding of the dynamics of the transmission of Streptococcus equi (S. equi), an important infectious disease of horses causing a disease syndrome called “strangles”. S. equi is endemic (almost) globally with outbreaks associated with significant horse welfare and economic costs. Of major importance for S. equi epidemiology is its ability to cause persistent infectiousness of post-symptomatic, apparently healthy, carriers. The project will investigate how various mitigation measures can affect the impact of the disease.

The project is divided into three main objectives:

  • What is the reproduction rate for outbreaks of acute strangles?
  • What is the impact of the introduction of S. equi into horse premises?
  • What is the expected effect of mitigating measures?

Expected scientific and societal impact
Key, currently unknown factors determining S. equi epidemiology will be investigated in this project. Understanding of the impact of interventions will help stakeholders improve horse health and welfare and reduce economic losses through outbreaks of strangles.

Rosa Houben