Eijkman lecture
The regular Eijkman lectures usually cover a more specialised topic, but not overly specialised. When you nominate a speaker (below), we will announce the lecture and provide you with a budget of € 750,= for expenses. The host (you) takes care of all reservations and provides us with the necessary information for the announcement.
Please nominate your speaker at least 2 weeks before the lecture.
Eijkman seminar
Eijkman seminars have broader subjects and are part of our PhD training programme. Therefore these seminars need to be approved by our Eijkman Seminar Committee. Usually these seminars combine a lecture and a master class for PhD students. When your nomination is approved, we will take care of all reservations (lecture hall, hotel, etc.), we will announce the lecture and the masterclass and pay for all expenses*.
Please nominate your speaker at least 2 months before the lecture.
*Please note: costs for dinner will only be completely reimbursed when PhD candidates were present during dinner.