PhD Spring Meeting 2025

Louis Hartlooper Complex - Tolsteegbrug 1, Utrecht
Friday, March 28, 2025 at 2:30 PM
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Past, Present and Future of Infection and Immunity

The landscape of I&I and biomedical research is in for a change. With recent shifts in our political environment, the future of funding for biomedical research is uncertain and though decisions lie ahead. How will these changes affect you, and how should we prepare for what is to come? This year’s Annual Spring Meeting is dedicated to exploring the past, present and future of I&I. We invite you to join us for thought-provoking talks and discussion on the evolving challenges and opportunities in our field, with a focus on policy, funding, and future priorities. Don’t miss this chance to engage with experts, share your insights, and collaborate on solutions for navigating the changing landscape of I&I research.

Paul Coffer, UU/UMC – With a broad expertise on immunology, regenerative medicine, cancer and molecular cell biology, and working at the Utrecht Science Park for 30 years, Paul Coffer will share his experiences and views on the I&I research field and funding landscape in the past, present and future. In 2024, Paul Coffer took the role as scientific director of the university-wide strategic theme Life Sciences: a deciding or rather facilitating role in our I&I research?

Cécile van Els , UU/RIVM – Cécile van Els is professor of Vaccinology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, focusing on the key properties of an effective immune response, the so-called correlates of protection. As a Senior Expert and Immunologist at the RIVM she is part of the Centre for Infectious Disease Control. How did the field of global health and infectious diseases develop during her career, according to Cécile van Els? What were, are and will become the biggest challenges to overcome?

Martijn Nolte, ZonMW – During years of academic work as immunologist at AMC and Sanquin, Martijn Nolte studied different types of immune cells and mechanisms in detail. Since 2021 he works as a senior program manager at ZonMW for the program “More Knowledge with Fewer Animals”. In this role, he supports the development of a field overcoming the need for experimental animal testing. How does this fit in the future of the I&I research field? ZonMW is an important player in connecting parties for innovative research; how are their directions made and fundings established?

The I&I PhD Spring meeting is organized every year by and for fellow PhD students. With some invited speakers, we would like to inspire you about career paths inside and outside academic and share some new perspectives on our research field. The PhD Spring meeting facilitates networking, discussions, sharing thoughts and ambitions, and getting to know your peers in an informal setting while enjoying some drinks!

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