Course Supervising PhD Candidates
- Date
- Monday, January 13, 2025
- Registration URL
- Link
GSLS course for new supervisors.
Supervising scientific research is a complicated process. The nature and possibilities of the researcher, the supervisor(s), and the type of research determine the best (intervention) strategy. The course aims to expand the repertoire of PhD supervisors, enabling them to offer supervision more efficiently and effectively. As a daily supervisor or (co)promoter you are a content expert, but also a (co)researcher, coach and assessor. In this course, supervisors learn to handle these roles more efficiently and effectively. Topical questions are raised as: "How do you help the PhD candidate to become an independent researcher?", "How do you signal problem behavior of your PhD candidate in time and how do you deal with it?", "How do you take different personal, work and learning styles into account?” and “How do you communicate about mutual expectations?”